Disclaimer: We were provided our stay free in exchange for sharing our experience with you. However, below are our honest experiences and unbiased opinions - we TRULY love love love Crystal Springs!!
Crystal Springs Resort in New Jersey is one of my all time favorite family-friendly vacation spots in the Tri-State area! I've been there twice before: as a family in the summer of 2019 and as a #momcation with one of my best mom friends in February 2020 (just before Covid came to town). Put simply, this place NEVER disappoints. From the tropical indoor Biosphere pool to the delicious dining options to unique activities like puppy and goat yoga!!
So, when we were invited back recently for a hosted stay in exchange for sharing with you all what it's like to vacation at Crystal Springs during the pandemic, I jumped at the chance! Well, I put on my mask and jumped from a socially safe distance, that is! Ha! Check out our highlights videos from our 1-night mini getaway at Crystal Springs, including our outing to nearby Mountain Creek for Snow Tubing, and keep reading for more details and photos of our time at Crystal Springs and what you can expect regarding pandemic safety!!
Crystal Springs is definitely making safety a priority, while still providing top notch service, activities, and dining experiences! If you've been before, you'll notice subtle changes related to pandemic safety, which are outlined in their COVID-19 Statement, and I'll go over the ones that stood out to me below:
Watch the highlights videos from our previous two vacations at Crystal Springs, pre-pandemic:
WINTER IS COMING (or already here for some of you)!!! But have no fear, with the right winter gear for babies, toddlers (and care giver), it'll be a breeze!! To make it as easy as possible for you, I've rounded up my tried and true favorite winter products for you right here, as well as a few random hacks at the bottom of the post!
(Affiliate links included - you don't pay more, but I may get a small commission to help fund the blog, it's a win win!)
You need a good stroller muff or bunting if you'll be pushing baby around outside at all this winter. It's basically a big sleeping bag that the stroller's straps go through and you can quickly zip open when you're indoors shopping or letting your baby nap in your entry way. JJ Cole BundleMe (in infant and toddler size) seems to be the most popular, probably because of the great price point ($35-60 new, and about $15-25 used), and it's what we've been using and loving for almost 6 years! The "Urban" style is wind-proof and water resistant. 7AM Enfant buntings seem to be the better choice if you're going to be in regular extreme cold (let's say, Canada, for example), and are loved by all who use them, but they cost quite a bit more.
If you're going to be pushing a stroller around on the daily in temperatures under 50 degrees, stroller gloves are a necessity in my book. They make it so easy to seamlessly go between pushing the stroller, handing baby his binky, texting, refilling snacks, wiping snotty noses etc, since you're just slipping your hands in and out of the muffs that are strapped onto the handle bar. No need for actual gloves! 7AM WarmMuffs are the best, hands down (pun in tended LOL), a permanent fixture on my stroller from November through March!
3. Stroller Shield / Rain Cover
A great stroller cover is not just great in the rain and snow, it actually creates a beautifully warm green house type atmosphere for your baby!! My little ones were chronic sock / shoe / hat / glove tossers, so a rain cover on super cold days was essential. Our favorite brand is Manito (see my full review here), because it's made of a nice waterproof nylon with plastic windows that zip open and shut, meaning you can take your kids in and out of the stroller without having to remove the cover, and you can also zip it open to hand them a snack, when you're move indoors, or if the kids are getting too warm (picture that love scene in "Titanic" - it can get quite toasty and actually steam up the windows in that rain cover LOL). They have single (in alpha & plus for strollers where the back reclines such as City Mini & G-Luxe, and beta for strollers where the seat is reversible and rotates via lever, such as UppaBaby Cruz & Vista ) and twin (for side by side strollers).
4. Baby-Proof Gloves
Mittens or gloves that are toddler proof? SNOWSTOPPERS!! They go all the way up to the elbow (under the jacket), so they keep snow out and toddlers can't pull them off, hurrah!!! SnowStoppers also make great super tall snow boots. Check out my full review of both the mittens and boots here.
5. Nasal Aspirator
Whether they just have a runny nose from the cold, their first cold, RSV, the flu, or allergies, you need to invest in a good nasal aspirator! My personal favorite is BabyVac - it hooks up to your vacuum hose - valves control the suction power so it gets out all the buggies but isn't painful or dangerous, and don't worry, the boogers get trapped in the small device and don't go into your vacuum. See my full review here! Others prefer Nose Frida, which is powered by your own mouth. You'll also need saline drops, to make sure it's super moist and easy to suction. Suctioning right after a steamy bath can help, too.
6. Baby Wearing Winter Gear
If baby wearing, you'll want to get a baby wearing coat or baby carrier cover. They'll make life easier. If just wearing here and there you can simply throw a pair of tights and leg warmers under kiddo's pants, or put them in a snow suit, or wrap a long warm blanket around you and the carrier. Jolly Jumper Snuggle Cover is probably the cheapest of the covers, and seems to be quite popular, though I've never tried it myself.
So, those are my favorite winter gear for babies and toddlers! Have you used any? Do you have any others to recommend? Drop a comment below!!!
And I'll leave you with my final tip for surviving winter with littles. This is especially for stroller-pushing city-dwellers. Those corners after a snow storm? They can be a DOOZY!!! First, you need a nice stroller with decent sized wheels (that handy umbrella stroller you have? yeah right, put it away til spring). To get over the snow mounds, the trick is pulling the stroller BACKWARDS. Yep. You'll look a fool but it's the only way. Good luck out there, parents!!!
As a world traveling mom blogger with 3 small children, I get asked for tips, tricks, and recommendations on the daily. One question I hear time and time again along the lines of "We're taking our toddler on a long road trip, what toys should we bring??" or "What should we bring to keep my child entertained during a long flight??" So, I figured it's about time I blogged about it!
Below are my personal favorites, and ones I haven't tried but have seen recommended time and time again in my various blogger and mommy circles!! Have something you love but don't see below? Be sure to leave a comment and I'll update the list ASAP!
*Disclosure: links below are "affiliate links", you don't pay more but I get a small commission to help fund the blog*
Best Toys for Traveling with Toddlers
The key here is finding toys that are lightweight and compact, that will keep your child entertained for more than 60 seconds, and won't make a mess. In addition to the below products, there are lots of DIY (very budget-friendly) things that are great - such as sensory bags (sealed ziplock bags filled with gels, sparkles, buttons, shaving cream etc that the child can kinda mash around and play with - just be careful if flying, you must stay within the 3-1-1 regulations for liquids and gels if it's not food or drink for the child) and even latex gloves - they can be balloons, tickle devices, fun to draw on, or even filled with ice or water!
Related Post: The 19 Best Toys for Kids from Toy Fair 2017
Best Gear for Traveling with Toddlers
I wouldn't call any of these "essential" but you may find some of them could really make your travel with a toddler a lot easier!
Related Post: How to Ride Safe without a Big Bulky Car Seat
Other Helpful Items for Traveling with Toddlers
Please check with your child's doctor before using either of these and discuss possible side effects, risks, and benefits. About 5% of children become hyperactive instead of drowsy after taking Benadryl, so this is definitely something you would want to test out BEFORE setting off on your trip!!
When traveling with toddlers, it is essential to make sure you provide them with the best forms of entertainment, and this is means choosing the right toys and gear. We have a wealth of possible options listed above, and there are so many great options to choose from. And, the great new is that you don’t have to worry about carting all of it around with you, because you can use Radical Storage luggage services to stash your bags, kids toys, and luggage whilst you enjoy a trip around the city. This means you can pack as much stuff as yuou want for your toddler, and make for a much less stressful trip.
So, what do you think of our list? Have you used any of the above? Do you have any others to recommend or warn against? What's the longest trip you've taken with your child? We'd love to hear your stories! Leave a comment below!!
With 3 kids ages 3 and under, the idea of hosting or even going on a playdate these days is a bit overwhelming, but this was a really fun opportunity I couldn't pass up! I was so honored to be chosen by MomSelect and Walt Disney World Resort to host a Disney Kids Preschool Playdate - they sent free products, recipes, game ideas, and prizes - hollah!! It was like Christmas when we received our box and Kenzo was super excited to go through it and help me plan the playdate. He even helped me make Mickey Mouse blueberry pancakes for his guests! Each guest got a backpack, Lion Guard poster, Walt Disney World Resort Preschool Map, and reversible hat (Jake and the Neverland Pirates and Sofia the First). We decided the Sofia the First suitcase would go to the child or family showing the most Disney spirit (though my son wasn't too psyched about that, he wanted to keep it for himself!). Living in a small co-op in Brooklyn with cranky neighbors, we couldn't exactly host the playdate at home, but luckily we have a huge park across the street and it was a beautiful warm and sunny day!! Everyone arrived and the fun began!! We played a version of Red Light - Green Light using a huge Mickey Mouse head as the signal. Next up was Simon Says, but each kid picked a Disney character card and used that name instead. So we had Sofia says, Donald Duck Says, Captain Jake Says, etc etc. One of the kids wanted his mom to play and gave her the Cinderella card, of course! Next up, I used a bag of 12 Animal Kingdom small plastic animal toys for a little safari game - I scattered the toys around the park and the kids had to run and find them. To my surprise they were happy to give up the toys in order to play the hunt again and again! In the end, they all got 1 or 2 animals to keep - yay!! By this point, everyone was a bit pooped, so we sat down for snacks and story time - I read a scratch and sniff book that was included in my playdate kit, "My Very, Very Smelly Breath!" which the kids got a hoot out of! From stinky dog breath to mint toothpaste to watermelon and trees, there were some odd and funny things to smell!! After the break, it was time for a bit more action. We played tag and Duck Duck Goose, and then it was time to award our "Most Disney Spirit" family, whose two kids showed up in Elsa and Olaf costumes, and even the parents wore their bride and groom Mickey ears (they honeymooned at Disney!). Kenzo was sad he couldn't keep the Sofia the First suitcase but was happy it was going to such a nice family :) Don't miss my video montage of the playdate here, with all the kids in action!! Want to Share Your Disney Side and plan a Disney playdate of your own? Check out Disney Side Celebrations - they've got recipes, game ideas, downloads, and more!
Traveling to Disney with a preschooler? Check out their website with tips and tricks for families like yours planning a Walt Disney World Resort vacation! Disclaimer: Although I did receive these products free of charge, all thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased. My toddler has recently become obsessed with super heroes. It started during our trip to Japan last summer, when he fell in love with their biggest super hero, Anpanman. Not only can fly, his face is made of a bun filled with sweet red bean paste that he feeds to people in danger! In the past few weeks, he upped his super hero obsession with the request for a cape. Being the frugal mom that I am, I whipped up a "cape" using a diaper pad changing cover and a chips clip. He loved it, but looked hilarious! Suffice it to say, we were both super excited to run across a company selling actual capes!! That's right, Great Pretenders has a whole line of capes and costumes for kids! From super hero sets with matching cape, masks, and wrist bands, to lady bugs, fairies, princesses, and even a variety of color-your-own costumes, they've got whatever your little one desires!! We went ahead and got the Adventure Toddler Cape in Blue, and from the moment my son laid eyes on it, he's been alllllll over it!! Thankfully, he seems to understand the need to take it off to eat, use the bathroom, sleep, and leave the house (we wouldn't want to get it dirty, now would we!?). It's also been a great tool in negotiating... Turns out he'll do just about anything I ask in order to keep wearing his cape! HA! The cape is veru silky which is fun, like a super hero cape and magician at once! The inside of the collar is made of a super soft material so it's not scratchy at all, and it's a nice size for a toddler (not too big but it actually was able to fasten even around my husband's neck - I'll spare you the ridiculous photo of that!). And now, the moment you've all been waiting for... the super hero in action (he literally does this all day long!!!) Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
If high fructose corn syrup, goldfish, and animal crackers make you cringe, but you're not always up for preparing fresh fruits/veggies/nuts for your kids to snack on while out and about, I have a great new organic kids' snacks company to introduce to you: MySuperFoods! I recently discovered them at a Little Swappies event. Scratch that. My little cookie monster of a son discovered them and wouldn't leave their poor rep alone! He kept going back for more and more and more. It was kind of hilarious! So, we know my son loves their snacks. But do they hold up to my standards? You bet!! Here's what I love about MySuperFoods:
Their current snack lineup includes: Here's my little Kenzo riding the bus and enjoying the Blueberry Vanilla Heroes, or as he calls them, "COOOOOOKIES COOKIES MORE COOKIES!!!!!!" Haha, seriously, he's a fiend for these. They are bite sized for bigger kids or adults, but my toddler chooses to bite them in half and get itty bitty crumbs all over the place. I snuck one into my mouth despite his protests and have to say they're pretty good. They're not super sweet or uber delicious like a "real" cookie, nor should they be in my opinion. They're tasty, healthy, and cute. They're just perfect! Here's a shot of the chocolate chip soft granola bites. Unlike M&Ms, the chips in these bad boys WILL melt in your hand, so be sure to store them in a cool area. The granola bites are nice and soft, great for even a young toddler. Though, my son isn't allowed chocolate just yet so these are all for meeeeee (and they are delicious)!! He will stick to their other two granola bites varieties for now. They're a rapidly growing company, and at the moment you can find MySuperFoods on Amazon, Abes Market, Vine, Diapers.com (enter code "MINYMOE" for 20% off if it's your first order), Vitacost, and Relay Foods. So, check 'em out and let me know what you think below!!!
Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased. Just like his mother and father, my son has a great love of music. He started dancing to the beat in my womb and hasn't stopped since! Because he and I both love dancing, I most often play my favorite top 40 stuff that gets us jammin'. You know, "Happy", "Blurred Lines", that kinda stuff. Though, now that he's a toddler I should probably start worrying about lyrics and the message behind them. We've recently really gotten into the biggies in the kiddie music industry such as Laurie Berkner Band - just TRY to turn off the "We Are The Dinosaurs" song while my son is marching around to it, I dare you! Looking for more kid-friendly music we can just pop on as background music while we're playing together, or down the road sit down and talk about the meaning of their lyrics, I recently came across Growing Sound, which has produced 16 or so CDs based on the latest research in social & emotional development. Each CD has a different focus; things such as Self Control, Friendship & Social Awareness, Confidence, Mindfulness, and much more. I got my hands on Growing Sound's latest CD, Dandelion Songs for Developing Toddlers and Early Preschoolers, featuring Demi Mays (and Friends). "Dandelion is a collection of songs that capture and celebrate the day to day joys in a toddler’s life and how they interact with the parents and caregivers that love and teach them as they grow." Featuring songs such as "Cause I Love It", "Wipe it Away", "Make a Face", and "Baby Animal Song", Dandelion is engaging and beautifully sung music that my little guy and I can both enjoy. It's fun, but chill, not something that is likely to get your toddler all hyped up, making it a safe listen any time of day or night! And it comes with a lyrics booklet so you can study up and sing along in no time! With lyrics such as "My mouth is for the things I drink and eat - water, food and treat. Everything else stays out - Only food in my mouth!", you can see how it's cute and silly, while at the same time teaching our little ones important lessons! You can see Growing Sound's entire CD collection (including Dandelion) here, view lyrics, and listen to clips from all the songs. You can purchase the CD ($9.99) or individual songs ($0.99 each) on cdbaby.com, iTunes, and Amazon... BUT... I'm giving away FIVE free downloads of the entire Dandelion CD!!! Enter to win in the rafflecopter box below - this giveaway is not limited to US residents, but you must be 18 or over to enter. The giveaway will end at 11:59PM EST, Tuesday November 25, and winners will be notified by e-mail. They'll have 24 hours to reply in order to receive the download code before another winner will be chosen. GOOD LUCK!! Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
We always want to dress our little ones in something as cute as they are, am I right?? Budget, time, and energy can be limiting, but it's nice to have a few pieces that are totally drool worthy; that make you and everyone who sees them just kind of lose it in a chorus of "OMG That is just too cute!!!!!" Well, I've got some shoes that definitely fit the bill - baby moccasins by Freshly Picked! The first thing that gets you is how unique and adorable they are. But they'are also super comfy, durable, 100% genuine leather, and come in a bazillion different designs (tons of colors in regular leather, shiny, suede, and patterns such as camo, pineapple, bugs, you name it; some of them even have matching t-shirts and bags)! They have stretchy elastic around the ankle which means they'll stay on, but at the same time they're also super easy to get on and off (my son has a REALLY fat/thick foot which makes most shoes impossible to get on, but these were no problem!) And because the bottoms are soft soled and thin, they're the perfect choice for new walkers (though maybe not the best choice for hiking over rocks and broken glass, LOL)!! They come in size 0-10, which is about the age of infant through 4-5 years! Here's my little 20 monther modeling his new pair of Cherry Freshly Picked moccasins (he had a mini-meltdown when I took them off - he is so in love!!). If you're not sure what size to get, they have a sizing chart. I measured my son's foot and rounded up, putting him at a size 7. Unfortunately, they're WAY too big (if you can't tell from the photos - they stayed on no problem, but he had a good inch or so of empty shoe in front of his toes). He probably won't wear them for another half a year at least! Wahhhhh!!! Oh well, something to look forward to!
At $60 a pop, these shoes are definitely a splurge but ohhhhh wait - you can enter my giveaway to win a free pair (as well as 7 other awesome products for toddlers in my $300 value Back To School giveaway!!). Enter to win here!! Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased. If you've read my Ultimate Review of Reusable Food Pouches, you'll know that we've tried a whole bunch of brands' pouches out, and while they all have their own pros and cons, the big hands-down winner and my all-time favorite is the new Squeasy Snacker. Here's why:
You can order your own Squeasy Gear from Amazon or their website, but you can also enter to win a 3-pack of the 6oz Squeasy Snacker in my awesome $300 value 8-product Back To School Giveaway, running through September 8!! Enter to win here!! Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
It's been a few months so I figured it's about time for another big ol' group giveaway, and what better theme than Back To School!?! My son is only 20 months old and not quite ready for preschool yet, but the products in this giveaway are great for babies through elementary school, so get in it to win it!!! One lucky grand prize winner will receive 8 fabulous products, with a retail value over $300!!! I'd first like to take a moment to shout out a huge thank you to two bloggers helping to support the giveaway: Louise of Mama Bean and Larisha of We're Parents. Check out their lovely blogs when you get a chance! And now... on to the prizes and the brands so awesome and generous enough to participate!! ![]() Freshly Picked has the cutest and most fashionable moccasins ever!! They are 100% leather, come in tons of different colors and designs, and are available in sizes 1-10 (so your little one can be stylin' from the crib all the way to Kindergarten!). They also have a small selection of matching shirts and carryalls. Our grand prize winner will receive one pair of Freshly Picked baby moccasins (your choice of size and design)! Check out my review! ![]() Umi Shoes makes fabulously fashionable, comfortable, and durable shoes for babies, toddlers, and big kids. From sandals to sneakers to boots, they've got you (and your little one's feet) covered! Our grand prize winner will receive a $60 gift card toward any of their shoes, which should be enough for one pair (or almost 2 pairs if you shop their clearance section!). ![]() Squeasy Gear makes the best reusable snack pouches - take it from a mom who's tried them all!! These are made of food-grade silicone, have a no-spill insert that really works (wow!!), turn inside out for easy cleaning, and come in 3 sizes (3.5oz, 6oz, and 16oz). They are perfect for on the go snacks or to throw in the lunch box! Our winner will receive a 3pack of the 6oz Squeasy Snackers (one each of green, turquoise, and pink). Check out my review! ![]() PlanetBox gives you a fun, healthy, and environmentally friendly way to pack lunch! They carry 3 styles of stainless steel compartmentalized dishwasher safe lunch boxes, with 5, 3, or 2 compartments each. Our grand prize winner will receive the Shuttle lunch box. With 2 compartments (holding about 3 cups of food), a dipper cup, and a cute carrying case offered in 4 designs, it's perfect to send with your tot to or for a picnic in the park! Check out my review! ![]() "An Alphabet of Happy is a series of children’s stories designed to instill traditional values in a modern manner. Sasha, the main character, wears an eye patch to help the reader subtly instill in the child, a critical lesson in the search for happy: there is always more than what you are able to see. " Our grand prize winner will receive the first 3 Sasha Sunflowa books (A, B, & C)! Check out my review! ![]() Happy Family makes organic meals and snacks that babies and toddlers love to eat, and parents love to provide! From first foods to finger foods, Happy Family will seriously make your family happy! Our grand prize winner will receive their Happiest Toddler Package, containing an assortment of goodies including yogurt & fruit snacks, veggie & fruit snacks, cookies, a breakfast blend pouch, a fruit & veggie pouch, and veggie & fruit crisps! Perfect for throwing in the diaper bag or lunch box! Check out my review of their Happy Baby products. ![]() Grow With Me Tee makes 3 varieties of terrifically sentimental photo-op t-shirts! The "first years" let's you take a photo of your infant in a one-size onesie each month of his first year, the "school years" tee has you taking a photo of your toddler every 6 months for her first 6 years, and the "collegiate" tee has your child's high school or college graduation year on it. Our grand prize winner will receive one of the "school years" tee's, what better way to commemorate your child's entrance into the school years! Check out my review! ![]() Tatiana of Kuli Kuli makes beautiful and kid-friendly art that will spark your little one's creativity and teach them a thing or two! Her prints feature brightly colored cute animals, numbers, letters, and foods. Nothing says back to school like the alphabet, so our grand prize winner will receive a ABCdario poster, which features the entire alphabet, images, and words in Spanish or English, for example A = accordian, B = bongos, etc. Check out my review! The giveaway will conclude on Monday, September 8 at 11:59 PM. The winner will be contacted via e-mail (and twitter if applicable) and have 24 hours to respond with a mailing address before another winner will be chosen, so be sure to check those junk/spam folders!! Please note the giveaway is only open to those ages 18 and over within the United States. Thank you and GOOD LUCK!!! Please enter through the Rafflecopter box below:
About ME:I'm a NYC metro area mom blogger living in NJ with my Japanese husband & our 3 kids (twins plus 1), focusing on fun and honest product and travel reviews, helping busy parents find the best for their families! Find what you need in the menu bar or search section above! Categories
February 2025