My first pregnancy (singleton) and second pregnancy (twins) were like night and day. From weight gain and how my belly looked to the delivery style and postpartum, it was all quite different. I thought it'd be fun and interesting to take a look back at the differences by comparing my singleton and twin pregnancy! You can watch it in a quick YouTube video or keep scrolling for the pix and details!
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*disclaimer: this post includes some affiliate links - we'll receive a small commission from purchases made after clicking*
Note: in all photos below, singleton pregnancy is on left and twins on right :)
Early Weeks & Nausea
Early on, you wouldn't have known by looking at me. But for my twin pregnancy, my "morning sickness" aka all day sickness started much earlier and lasted longer too.
Check Ups
For my first baby, I wanted as natural as possible. I chose a group of midwives who only used the fetal doplar to hear the heart beat at each checkup. I had a sonogram at my initial visit (7 weeks), the standard anatomy ultra sound at 20 weeks, and another scan around 32 weeks because they wanted to confirm baby was breech (he later flipped, thank goodness). Then I used the birthing center to deliver which again was all natural. For my second pregnancy, again I went to a midwife, however as soon as she saw twins I was told I'd continue my regular checkups with them (rotating between the midwives and doctors at the practice, since I would have to have a doctor at the delivery) but also had to see an MFM (maternal fetal medicine) high risk specialist regularly. At those visits, they did a special ultrasound at EVERY visit, which I actually loved. There's such risk of one twin absorbing the other and all kinds of scary things, so it was reassuring to see them in there doing well! They always checked the blood flow in each umbilical cord, the size of babies, and also inserted a lovely probe to measure my cervix. This stopped later, maybe around 30 weeks? I can't remember, but it was a relief to not check that anymore! My MFM wanted me to delivery at 38 weeks but my OB wanted to let me go as far as 40 weeks, to make them both happy we made sure to schedule my MFM scans twice a week for the last few weeks. This meant walking 3 miles roundtrip pushing my son in his stroller. Ouchies! But kept us fit!!
Popped & Gender Reveal
I feel like from about 16 weeks is when my twin belly started to grow a bit bigger and faster than my singleton belly, though it would be many more weeks it REALLY popped. I found out the twins' sexes at around 18 weeks (girls! YAY!!) but for my first pregnancy, we didn't find out the sex! I wanted it to be my husband's big job at delivery to find out and announce it!
Viability & Weight Gain
24 weeks was a pretty big milestone for my twin pregnancy. It marked the point at which the babies could potentially survive if born early. Most doctors and twin pregnancy books also recommend the goal of gaining 24 pounds by wee 24 - this magic number has the best outcomes for twins! In the earlier weeks I didn't think it'd be possible, as I was just so nauseas most of the time. But at week 24, I was EXACTLY 24 pounds up - it was a miracle LOL! Of course, it feels absolutely rotten seeing the numbers go up so quickly on the scale, I had only gained 7 pounds at this point in my singleton pregnancy! But... you have to think about the babies' health - gaining too little or too much can put you all at risk!
My Eyebrows!?
Did you know you need at least 100 grams of protein a day when pregnant with twins? 175 is a better goal, that I always struggled to get even close to, despite throwing down protein bars and protein shakes every chance I could get! The cool thing is that your babies get first dibs at the nutrients you take in, and if they don't get what they need, they'll take it out of you like the cute little succubi they are ha! While I'll never know if it was a result of my not getting enough protein or other vitamins, I suspect that my losing my eyebrows (seen below right) was due to this. Thankfully eyebrow pencil worked wonders and they grew back in full shortly after giving birth!!
Whoa Belly!!
From about 30 weeks, my twin belly seriously looked full term, and it was from here on out that strangers would think they were so cute with their comments like "Whoa you're about to pop!!" to which I'd answer, "Nah, about 2 more months" hahahaha by 35 weeks I was obscenely large and in charge and they would joke "What are you having twins or something" thinking they're being funny or passively aggressively trying to make fun of me perhaps? But I loved answering blankly, "Yes." So fun! What was not fun were the aches and pains. The varicose veins down under and my round ligament pains in my hips made walking downright painful, yet I still made a point of walking at least a mile a day, and even pushing my son in his stroller 3-4 miles 1-2 times a week when I had my checkups at the maternal and fetal health specialist! It wasn't comfortable, but I think keeping fit really helped me stay fit and keep those babies cooking!!
Full Term!
I carried both pregnancies full term. My son was actually overdue at 40 weeks and 2 days (I gained 26 pounds and he was 8 pounds 1 ounce). I was so nervous because I was planning to deliver naturally at the birthing center, and you aren't allowed to deliver there if you go past 40 weeks 6 days! I made it just in time! Twins are considered full term earlier at 38 weeks which is when most doctors want to deliver them by (risks go up quickly after that). My team was confident to let me go as far as 40 weeks as long as I was getting twice a week ultrasounds and everything was going perfectly! So at 39 weeks and 6 days they finally induced me. I had gained 43 pounds and my girls were 6 pounds 11 ounces and 5 pounds 9 ounces. So I gained 17 pounds extra for the twins!
The Delivery:
For my son, I labored at home for 43 hours (ohhhh the pain) and then spent the final 10 hours of labor at The Birthing Center at Roosevelt Hospital. It's a special unit of just a few beds separate from the regular OB floor. No drugs, just a midwife and a nurse! I thought this was perfect for me, not wanting meds pushed on me, but was just 1 floor away from doctors and surgeons should something scary happen. Thankfully it went perfectly - had him on Christmas Day 2012 and spent just 1 night in the same room where we labored and delivered him, in a regular queen bed (not an adjustable one). (See his full birth story here). For my twins, we scheduled an induction at 39 weeks 6 days. They started an IV and put me on pitocin, broke my water, and let me labor a few hours (so painful, pitocin is NOT fun). When I got to 9cm I finally broke and got the epidural they had been pushing me to get - my doctor wanted me to have one in place just in case I needed an emergency c-section for the 2nd baby, that way they wouldn't have to knock me out. I got the epidural AND the drugs and it was so wonderful. Pushed them both out painlessly a couple of hours later in the OR - yes, all twins and multiples must be delivered in the operating room, even if vaginal! I believe it's related to the number of people who must attend the delivery, at least 6 (mom, partner, OB, anesthesiologist, a pediatrician or neonatologist for each baby, at least 1 nurse, likely a handful of med students, and more doctors and nursees depending on how many babies ). I was really nervous about what a horrible situation it would be, on a cold flat operating table with bright lights. But honestly, in the moment, I couldn't have cared less! (read the twins' full birth story here).
Hospital Stay
My son stayed in the room with us the entire time in the hospital - he got cleaned up and got his shots and everything right by my side. My girls were whisked away several times to be cleaned and once because they wouldn't stop crying and poor mama just wanted to sleep! It's funny how different I felt the first time and the second time. The first time, I probably would have fought any soul trying to take my baby away! The next time around, I was like, whatever, please take them for a bit, I need to sleeeeeep!!! At the birth center, we had a private room, just part of how things were different from the regular OB ward and it was one of the reasons I chose to deliver there! The next time around, we also lucked out with a private room because moms of twins and multiples get a FREE private room!!! Because they need the space for 2+ bassinets! This meant my husband got to stay with me, although not too comfy on a fold out chair!
I was lucky that, while painful at first, breastfeeding was pretty easy for us. The first time around, I suffered through EXCRUTIATING latch, baby overfeeding (like 45 minute feeds), and usually tons of spit up. But he porked up and we just chugged along! I ended up breastfeeding him til he turned 2 years old!! For my twins, it started out alright but Emi didn't gain any weight over 2 weeks after her initial 10% weight loss (which is totally normal and fine for new borns to lose that much right after birth but they're expected to start gaining quickly). I saw a free lactation consultant at our pediatrician and she saved us!! She confirmed my milk production wasn't the problem, it was just Emi was so weak and not able to nurse efficiently. So basically I bought a scale, weight her before and after feeds, and pumped and bottle fed her at least once a day to make sure she was getting enough milk. At the end of 2 weeks of doing this, she had caught up to her sister's weight and was able to nurse well. From then on the girls were within an ounce of eachother for the next 2 years or so!! Now at 5, Emi is about 1 inch taller and 2 pounds heavier LOL! I breastfed them for 1.5 years - at home using My Brest Friend Twin Deluxe nursing pillow, and even out in public single or tandem under a cover!! Oh the stares we would get, never once got a mean comment, I think mostly people were stunned... or I like to think, impressed!
Getting Around
For my son, I used a Mei Tai Carrier and a Britax single stroller. For my twins, initially anyway, we used the StrollAir MyDuo stroller with the Englacha ride on seat (affiliate link) behind it. My son still did stroller naps so I could throw him into a seat and wear a baby if we needed to. When we had to take the subway into the city, I would usually put Kenzo in the stroller and wear the twins in our WeeGo twin carrier (under 4 months) and later the TwinGo carrier. Later we loved the StrollAir Solo to Tango and Evenflo Pivot stroller with the Buggy Board Maxi+ sit/stand ride on behind it. Reviews linked above and videos below!!
Postpartum Belly & Weightloss
I was lucky that my weight was back to pre-pregnancy within 6 months for both singleton and twins, without any effort of my own. I chalk it up to good DNA and breastfeeding. Did you know breastfeeding twins burns about 1000 extra calories a day!?? The tricky part was weaning them and not gaining a ton because I was used to eating as much as I could through pregnancy and 1.5 years of breastfeeding LOL! They did leave me with the dreaded stretched out wrinkly #twinskin though - come see that here!! What your belly looks like after twins!!
Whether you're pregnant and looking for your baby's first pediatrician, or you recently moved and are looking for a new pediatrician for your brood, it's not a simple task. You don't just look on the map and choose the nearest doctor. Oh no. There are a bazillion things to consider, and I hope my list will help you find the perfect match for your family! If I missed any key points, please do comment and let me know so I can add them!!
Actions to take when seeking out a Pediatrician:
Policies and Factors to Consider:
I spent hours last weekend meandering through the 2018 New York Baby Show, the biggest baby expo in the country!! It was my 6th year in attendance, and as always, I was simply blown away with some of the innovative and amazing new products out there for baby, toddler, and parent! Keep reading for my top picks, and don't miss my highlights video at the bottom featuring exciting demos of some of my favorites! I'd also like to give a big shout out to Momtrends for their ongoing support of us NYC mom & dad bloggers, and their sponsorship and organization of the #NYBSBloggerLounge!
Please note, there are some affiliate links below - if you shop through these links, you won't pay anything extra but we will receive a small commission to help fund this blog - win win!!
**1st PICK!!**
Best for Bath: Summer Infant My Bath Seat Bath time can be fun for baby and parents, but it can also be terrifying and exhausting, not to mention downright dangerous - especially when bathing twins or multiple children!! The Summer Infant My Bath Seat provides a baby or young toddler a safe place to sit and play - the seat secures to both sides of the tub and the back!! Please take care, even if using a safety seat such as this one, please PLEASE never never ever leave your child unattended in the bath (or even in the bathroom when water is running)!!!
**2nd PICK!!**
Best for Twins: Romp & Roost Snap in the mesh divider for a play pen built for two, or remove it for an oversized play yard or roomy toddler bed! It also folds up for easy transport (about 32 pounds, same as a double stroller). Where was this when my twins were itty bitties?!?
**3rd PICK!!**
Best for Sterilizing: Coral UV From baby bottles to pacifiers, and tooth brushes to make up brushes, the Coral UV will sterilize (without use of heat or water) any non-waterproof products that can fit inside, in just 10 minutes!! It also has a 30-60 minute dry feature which could come in handy to dry freshly washed items, as well as a storage option that sterilizes every 2 hours to keep items super clean and ready to go.
Best for Toddlers: STAYnEAT, The Helping Plate
This plate pretty much addresses every issue I've had with my toddlers' self-feeding messes and mishaps! It is non-slip but you can also press in the center to activate the toddler-proof suction stay power (simply lift the corner to unseal). It has an outer lip to prevent spillage, and the inner plate has an incline to keep juices from mixing in and messing up flavors and textures of other food on the plate. It's double sided with one side being divided and the other side being a simple plate. And oh yeah, It's also dishwasher safe.
Best Infant Bed: Mumbelli
With a removable inclined wedge (great for babies with reflux) and an adjustable foot support for a comfortable womb-like fit, Mumbelli makes a wonderful co-sleeper, crib-insert, or travel bed for baby's first few months of life (until they're ready to start rolling over).
Best for Car Travel: Travel Tray
So simple yet so brilliant - this little tray fits into any cup holder, making it the perfect accessory for a car seat (or stroller, movie theater seat, you name it)! It'll still hold your child's cup or bottle, but also snacks and small toys.
Best Stroller: Evenflo Pivot Xpand
There are a few strollers out there boasting the ability to transition from 1 to 2 kids, but the Evenflo Pivot Xpand is the only one I've seen that does so without the need for any tools or extra parts (you just need to buy the 2nd seat and/or stroller board, but no add-on converters - they're already built in!!). It can hold up to 150 pounds of cargo and kids (up to 3 kids: 2 in seats and 1 on ride on board), has an expandable basket up to 2 feet long, and it's also gorgeous! Be sure to check out the demo in my video at the bottom of this post to see it go from infant seat to toddler seat to 2 toddler seats (both are infant compatible making it a great option for twins) and adding the ride-on board (which just snaps on!!). Up to 22 configurations!!
Best for Dribble: Bibby
Babies drool and spit-up, some more than others, and even the best bibs often allow that dribble to hide deep in those adorable neck folds. Until now. Say hello to Bibby, featuring a thick tall turtleneck type top and a velcro closure! BRILLIANT!
Best for Monitoring: Nanit Smart Baby Monitor
Baby monitors are getting smarter and smarter, and parents have to decide exactly how much they really want to keep track of. The Nanit is a cool new monitor that not only offers a birds eye view of your sleeping angel (on multiple users' phones) and keeps track of room temperature and humidity, but also helps track, monitor, and improve your baby's sleep! It'll send key notifications to you such as when baby wakes and falls asleep, and track on an app sleep cycles, when and how often a parent tends to baby, and give suggestions about how to help baby sleep longer and better based on current trends. Do note, the higher level tracking and tips require a $10/month subscription.
Best for Boobies: Ta-Ta Towel
Now, I haven't tried this personally, so I can't attest to how good the support is, or how well it lays under a shirt, but you can't argue that this isn't a truly unique nursing bra!! If I could rewind 2.5 years I would totally lounge around the house in this day and night! To top it off, the Ta-Ta Towel bras are handmade by women for women, in an eco-friendly factory in Los Angeles!
Best for Screen Free Digital Stories: Lunii
If it's for sale at MoMa, you know it's gotta be cool! This screen-free interactive digital device allows children to select their main characters, setting, and central object, which provides them one of 48 pre-loaded stories!! What's more? It's available in 8 languages! I see this as a great road trip item - since it's screen free, it shouldn't contribute to motion sickness (once all the characters are selected they just sit back and listen to the story)!
Looking for other great innovative products for babies and families? Check out my top picks from past years' New York Baby Shows!!
If you are a new or expecting parent in the Tri-State area, this post is for you!! We're giving away TEN TICKETS to the 2018 New York Baby Show, to be held on May 19 & 20 at Pier 94 in NYC!!
The New York Baby Show, now in its 8th year, is the largest show for new and expectant parents in the country. No other event provides a better experience for thousands of expectant and new families from New York and neighboring counties, seeking a family-friendly jamboree of top brands, great speakers and seminars, big giveaways, and lots of learning, support, bonding, and fun as you make your way into parenthood.
To get a better feel for what the New York Baby Show is like, check out my roundups from the previous years I've attended:
Normal ticket price is $30 per family (for 2 adults and up to 4 children), and $20 per individual, but you can enter in the Rafflecopter box below to win one of the 10 tickets we have to give away! Each of our 10 winners can choose a single or family ticket. The giveaway will end Monday, March 26 at 11:59PM EST and winners will be e-mailed with a special link to claim their tickets. Even if you don't win the giveaway, you still win because you can click here to get your tickets for 50% off!! It just dawned on me. I have officially been pregnant or breastfeeding for the past 5 years straight, with only a 1 month break around January 2015. Like, whoa. The twins are nearly 18 months old now and I've been weaning them gradually. We're at the point where we may have already had our last nursing session - it's kind of hard to ever know when it's really your last, and we may have already had it. It's totally bitter sweet, since these are my last babies, knock on wood, and as the last drop of milk flows from my body to theirs, my days as a Baby Growing Factory will officially be over. I simultaneously want to shout from the rooftops and celebrate with a couple bottles of champagne, while sobbing uncontrollably. The truth is, as hard and overwhelming as it can be at times, it's been equally awesome. I loved being pregnant. Even at 39 weeks with twins, being the size of a house with debilitating hip pain, it is the most amazing experience you can ever imagine - creating and growing life in your body. Every hiccup and stretch, even every kick to your bladder, it's simply breathtaking (in the good and bad way!!). Likewise, birth, though excruciating and disgustingly mortifying (yes, please, let's have a dozen strangers watch babies eject from my vagina, thank you, this is such fun!!!), is incredibly beautiful and life changing. It's truly an experience I wish everyone (who wants it) could have, and leaves my heart weeping for friends who are not able to. RELATED: Don't miss my 2 birth stories: And breastfeeding, ohhhhhh breastfeeding. "Breast is best" and all that. Well, there is a lot of pressure put on women to do this, and I want to say it's not for every woman - either because she can't or it just doesn't work well for her or her baby, and there is nothing wrong with that. FED IS BEST!!! With that said, breastfeeding was an incredible journey for me, with both my son and my girls, and I feel blessed that it worked out for us. It certainly had its highs and lows, though. The painfully cracked nipples and anxiety over whether or not they were getting enough in those early days. The soaked nursing pads and fear of having to nurse in public! But then, suddenly, it all became so easy and beautiful. Having the ability to calm a crying baby isntantly, nourishing them, bonding with them in a way no other person on this earth could. Not having to worry about packing enough formula or cleaning bottles. Over a cumulative 3.5 years of breastfeeding, I have nursed my babies pretty much anywhere imaginable - in a bar, on planes and subways, at the pool... I could write a breastfeeding version of Green Eggs and Ham! But, here I sit, with 1800 wonderful, crazy, painful, beautiful days of pregnancy and breastfeeding behind me. They made up such a huge part of who I was and who I am as a mother. As I get further away from these days of my life, they will likely become fuzzy distant memories, so, I want to pay tribute and immortalize them with some photos of my journey below, and then, when I'm ready, it's about time to organize some sort of booze-filled getaway weekend with my girl friends. BECAUSE I FINALLY CAN!!! Talk about a silver lining :) Collage of my first pregnancy, my son, who made me a mother! From the first sonogram to our first time breastfeeding in public! Collage of my second pregnancy, my twin girls, who made our family complete :) And of course I have to include in this tribute the best pregnancy keepsake ever: the stop motion of my twins featuring their adorable big brother!! Did you do anything to commemorate being done with pregnancy and/or breastfeeding? Is it something you look forward to or dread?? Share in a comment below!!
Let's face it, when your sweet tooth craves sweets, it's pretty hard to resist. But why should you have to resist completely? Wouldn't it be nice if there were some treats that were not only delicious, but also nutritious? Well, you're in luck - I'm thrilled to be working with a brand featuring products that are just that. I'm pleased to introduce you to #MotherNurture!! Mother Nurture products are marketed toward pregnant and breastfeeding moms, but I'll let you in on a little secret, you don't have to be pregnant or breastfeeding to find these tasty and packed with a little boost of nutrition! So, if you want to satisfy your sweet tooth with a bit less guilt, read on!! I've tried several kinds of vitamin chews, and while they're not bad, they're certainly not mistaken for regular chocolate or candy. But Mother Nurture all natural Chocolate Truffles (in milk chocolate or dark chocolate with raspberry) are a whole other ball game. They are rich, creamy, melt in your mouth, scrumptious, OMG kinda chocolate. NO WAY I would in a million years imagine they were fortified, but they are!!! One truffle (but really, who eats just one??) contains 50mg of calcium, 40mcg of folic acid, 20mg of DHA, .75mcg of Vitamin D, 1 gram of protein, 5 grams of fat, and 70 calories. So, no, you shouldn't down an entire box, and they're not a replacement for a well-balanced diet and prenatal vitamins, but there's no need for an ounce of guilt for having one (or 3??) a day. When you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you have to stay really hydrated. But drinking water all day and all night can be a bit tedious. Sometimes, you just need to taste something!! This is where Mother Nurture Enhanced Waters come in. They are sweet, delish, and packed with a nutritious punch to boot! Coming in 3 yummy flavors (Tropical Splash, Mixed Berry, and Pink Grapefruit), each 16.9 ounce bottle of triple filtered water contains 100mg of calcium, 50mg of choline, 75mcg of folic acid, .25mcg of Vitamin B12, 90 calories. There are a whopping 23 grams of sugar, however they use pure cane sugar, so none of those scary artificial sweeteners that you should avoid, especially when pregnant! So, go on, go get you some! Did I mention they are non-GMO, Gluten-free, & Kosher with BPA-free packaging! And don't forget to follow Mother Nurture on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram!
Disclaimer: Although I did receive these products free of charge, all thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased. Eating right is a challenge for many women, even more so when you're eating for two (or more)! There's never been a time in my life I was more aware and concerned about my nutrition than during my two pregnancies (especially the twin one!). Eating the best you can is important but not always easy what with morning sickness and terrible cravings/aversions), which is why prenatals and other nutritional supplements are so important! I'm excited to be working with a brand that has in mind the health and well-being of moms-to-be and breastfeeding moms! Premama is the first nationwide line of natural powdered nutritional supplement drink mixes for women from preconception through breastfeeding. They allow women to skip that dreaded horse-pill sized prenatal vitamin, instead downing a delicious drink! They've got supplements to support fertility or lactation, a complete prenatal vitamin, prenatal vitamin with DHA, and now, they've just released, drum roll please... ![]() Premama "Digestive Aid", a prenatal fiber and probiotic chew Soft and absolutely scrumptious, each vanilla-caramel flavored digestive aid chew contains 2 grams of fiber, 1 billion CFU's of probiotics, 20 calories, 1 gram of sugar, and 4 carbs. Mamas are directed to consume 1-4 chews a day for optimal benefit, and after you taste one you just might find yourself having to resist the urge to down more than that. But remember, they're not candy (though they taste like it) - they are nutritional supplements and you don't want to overdo it! But what are probiotics? New to the whole probiotic ballgame? Basically, probiotics are "good" bacteria that balance the health of your gut, which is responsible for up to 70% of your body's immune system response! Your body starts building its good bacteria colonies from infancy - while traveling through mama's birth canal and then from the nipple while breastfeeding. However, taking antibiotics or having certain illnesses or disorders can wreak havoc on these healthy bacteria and so probiotic supplements and probiotic-rich foods (like yogurt, kimchee, sauerkraut, etc) are getting hyped up these days for good reason! Each of Premama's Digestive Aid chews contains 1 billion CFU's of Bacillus coagulans, which according to Wikipedia is thought to improve vaginal flora, improve pain and bloating in IBS patients, and increase immune response to viral challenges. Where to buy Premama Digestive Chews: Promoting both healthy digestion and immune system, Premama's Digestive Aid is already available online ($15.99 for a box of 28 on Amazon) and will be in stores at the end of July (you can search for a store near you here)! What do you think? Do you take vitamins or probiotics regularly - for general health or specific issues? Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge through MomSelect, all thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
In need of some beautiful clothing that will work throughout your pregnancy and beyond, and that is breastfeeding-friendly but not obviously so? If yes, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Loyal Hana!! The most unique and fabulous thing about Loyal Hana is how discreet they make their breastfeeding slits. Rather than simple nursing tanks with clips similar to nursing bras, Loyal Hana tops have breastfeeding slits that zip. That's right - zip! And when they're zipped up, you cannot tell they're there at all (see the pic below on the right - that is the top and bottom of the zipper - you can't see it!!). Really really cool. This means no one will possibly know you're wearing a nursing top, and you can keep it in your wardrobe even after you finish breastfeeding / pumping! SCORE!! All of their pieces are wonderfully flowy - so they will fit you through all 4 trimesters of your pregnancy. Yes I said 4, that includes the "4th trimester" - the one where you are no longer pregnant but still have quite a bump that you wish to disguise. Let the dresses and tops flow or add a belt to accentuate your baby bump or postpartum waist. I tested out the Amanda Black White Chevron v-neck tank ($90) and the Anya arrowhead print dress ($105). Both are a silk-like 100% polyester, light-weight and comfy. I found the quality to be top-notch and felt so super stylish (especially compared to my normal wardrobe of basic nursing tank and jeans), yet still able to quickly and discreetly whip out a boob to feed one (or both) of my babies. They are on the pricier side but their ability to work with you throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding, and beyond (so for years really) makes them quite a good bang for your buck in my opinion!! You can check out all of Loyal Hana's chic, stylish, and comfortable maternity and nursing garments on their website here. Disclaimer: Although I did receive these products free of charge, all thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
When you grow a human in your belly, things change. Some things are temporary and some are permanent. From stretch marks to hair loss, many women struggle with low self-esteem over their new "mom bod," and this saddens me greatly. To me, each tiger stripe is a reminder of your most wonderful accomplishment. That remaining "baby bump" brought life and completed your family. So, acknowledge your imperfections, stay fit and eat mindfully, but embrace your mom bod for what it is: beautiful, strong, loving, and amazingly awesome!! With the help of a few mom friends, I've put together the following video to encourage moms to love themselves and their bodies. I hope you'll help the #MyMomBodIs movement by commenting below and sharing this blog post and video! Thank you!! Just because you're pregnant or breastfeeding doesn't mean you can't look and feel beautiful... stunning... and simply fahhhbulous!! But you'll need the right clothes. I recently wrote about maternity wear rental with Bella Gravida, but how about your sleepwear and underwear? Sure sure, you can just wear your hubby's oversized tee to bed. But wouldn't you rather wear something super cute, comfy, practical, and *gasp* sexy!?? If you answered YES, then I'd like to introduce you to You! Lingerie! All of their bras, sleep and lounge wear are pregnancy and nursing friendly - that means they're comfortable, supportive, and convenient (with easy access for breastfeeding). On top of that, they're seriously stylish. I don't know about you, but it can be hard not to feel frumpy during pregnancy and the postpartum period, but You! Lingerie is here to help unfrump your bump! I recently got the Ashe Maternity & Nursing Tank and Rosette Super Mom Super Tired Maternity & Nursing Pajama Set and I'm totally in love. Funky colors, super soft and stretchy, what's not to love!? The nursing clips work perfectly, and the Tank has cute little bows on them which is super cute!! They both have inner-shelf / built-in bras, but personally I like my milk monsters to feel super duper supported, so I wear these with a bra on (which you really can't see, so it's a non-issue in my book). The two-layered-look tank on the left has a kind of pleated baggy front which will highlight your beautiful baby bump but is also great for hiding any postpartum muffin top you might be sporting. Not saying I have a muffin top... not saying I don't... but it's a nice feature, as is the fact that you can wear the straps straight or criss-crossed on the back! The red "super mom super tired" tank set said "hand wash only" and I was like ohhhh heck no... I don't do "hand wash"! Ain't nobody got time for that! But before throwing caution to the wind and tossing it in the laundry basket I decided to do a quick test to make sure it wouldn't bleed. But it did. BIG TIME. I rinsed it out in the cold water for a good 5 minutes and the water kept turning pink. So, yeah, they're serious about the hand wash thing but it's such a cute shirt, I'll just deal with it. Though I'll be extra careful to not get spit-up or other wash-necessitating things on it! (The leopard pants and the black/pink tank on the other hand did fine in the wash, phew!) OK, now that we can agree that You! Lingerie has some awesome stuff, are you ready for some awesome news?? The grand prize winner of my "Get Your Sleep On Giveaway" will receive a Maternity & Nursing Chemise from You! Lingerie's Sprinkles Collection (pictured below). The winner can choose size and color. Head on over to the giveaway (running February 15-25, 2016) to enter to win this and $300 worth of awesome sleep-related products for babies, toddlers, and mamas!! Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, all thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
About ME:I'm a NYC metro area mom blogger living in NJ with my Japanese husband & our 3 kids (twins plus 1), focusing on fun and honest product and travel reviews, helping busy parents find the best for their families! Find what you need in the menu bar or search section above! Categories
February 2025