Whether we're talking baby food or toddler snacks, I love food pouches. At home or on the go, nothing is easier!! But, if you're not using one with a good anti-spill device (such as my fave, Squeasy Gear), they can make quite a mess when your little one gives them a squeeze accidentally (or on purpose, those stinkers!!!). One mom saw the need and came up with a simple yet effective solution. Behond, the ChubChub PouchBuddy!! These little handle bars are universal, meaning they'll screw onto just about any pouch on the market. The PouchBuddy makes pouch feeding easier and less messy two ways:
PouchBuddy is free of BPA, PVC, and Phthalates, is top rack dishwasher safe, and is good for babies from the age of 4 months. Each PouchBuddy comes with its own cleaning brush, as well! My girls are already 13 months and are quite the pros at self-feeding with pouches. They don't have accidents too much anymore, but we were still excited to try out the ChubChub PouchBuddy. They're quick and easy to screw on, but do add a few seconds to the process of getting that pouch to your screaming child, which can feel like an eternity, am I right? LOL!! They're light and compact, so they're easy to keep in the diaper bag, and I was surprised that after we were done using them they weren't messy, so I just threw them right back in the bag, didn't even need a little plastic baggy before I could rinse them out. My girls were used to holding the pouch, but took to the handles quickly. One baby instinctively held it by the handles when I gave it to her. For the other baby, I had to manually move her hands from pouch to handles a couple of times before she caught on and did it herself. After finished drinking the pouches, they both enjoyed chewing on the handles for a long time - score, pouch handles and teether in one! Ha! I found the PouchBuddy to be well made - no sharp edges or corners, and they don't seem like they will break or wear out quickly (though if my girls keep chewing on them... we'll see...). So, in a nutshell, if you have a young baby just starting to venture into the world of pouches, or an older baby who gets quite messy with the pouch, I highly recommend trying out ChubChub PouchBuddy. They retail for $10.99 (currently on sale for $7.99 on ChubChub's website and Amazon (affiliate link), and come in orange, turquoise, and yellow. Also, you can win a 2-pack of PouchBuddies in my $350 value 8-product jackpot Unique Gift Guide & Giveaway running now through December 12!!!! Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, all thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
*Editor's note: as I review new food pouches, I'll stick them in here so as to keep the list ever growing and all-inclusive! The latest update is 7/27/2014. We all know them and love them - the food pouch is an ingenious idea that has sparked a TON of competition out there on the market. Of course you have the one and done kind by companies such as Happy Family, Plum Organics, Ella's Kitchen, Earth's Best, Sprout, GoGo Squeez...the list goes on! But, these are expensive, not environmentally friendly, and did you hear the urban legend that there were MAGGOTS inside one of them?? You're just handing over this pouch for your child to suck down and you have NO confirmation of it's contents, other than the label. YIKES! That said, 99.99999% of them are probably just find, and really really convenient!! But they're just not feasible as a staple on my shoe string budget! So, that brings us to reusable food pouches. You fill them with your own food (my toddler's go-to breakfast is yogurt, kale, and berry smoothie!!), pour/scoop in a portion from a store bought bulk container (such as applesauce). Kid slurps it down, then you wash and reuse! But there are a bunch of brands out there, all slightly different from one another, so what's a mama to do?? Well, I have tried out 4 kinds so far, and am happy to give you my feedback, for what it's worth! *Disclaimer: you may or may not have the same results as me, so take my reviews with a grain of salt! Squeasy Snacker PROS: It has a no-spill insert that actually works - turn it upside down and nothing comes out, even with juice! Of course the goods will come out with a good squeeze or suck. (You can use the pouch without the no-spill insert as well). It is made of a very flexible bacteria resistant silicone (100% food-grade; BPA/Phthalate/PVC free) that you can actually turn inside out for easy cleaning. It's dishwasher and top-rack freezer safe. Also, the top and bottom are both flat meaning it can stand on its own so you don't have to hold it while filling it! CONS: There are five parts which is a wee bit confusing at first, but you'll get the hang of it after the first use. Also, it's a bit pricier than the others, closer to the cost of a good sippy cup or water bottle. But, totally worth it. PRICE POINT: $12.99 for one 6oz or 3.5oz pouch on Amazon. TAKEAWAY: This is my all-time favorite food pouch. It seriously blows all the others out of the water! Every issue I've had with one brand or another has all been resolved with Squeasy Gear. This thing is amazeballs!! BooginHead Squeez'Ems I reviewed their original design a few months ago, and was pleased at first but after a few uses the flip top would randomly come open mid-use, getting really messy. Turns out, I wasn't the only one with this problem so they redesigned and now feature a screw top, which is FABULOUS!! PROS: See through front allows you to see what's inside. No ziplock to deal with. The cap remains attached so it's not a choking hazard. The opening is rigid plastic which is somewhat easier to fill (and you don't have the over-fill issue as you might have with ziplock), and also seems like it makes it harder for them to "accidentally" squirt their snack all over themselves and their surroundings. BPA, PVC & Phthalate Free. Freezer, microwave and top rack dishwasher safe. CONS: Some kids might find the attached cap annoying - as you can see in the photo it'll kind of rest upon their cheek. My little guy wasn't phased in the least, on the contrary, he enjoyed playing with it and trying to screw it back on after he finished eating! Another slight con is that the lid and the cap both screw on, leading to one coming undone while you're trying to do up the other one. But you'll quickly figure out how to hold it to prevent this from happening, as I did. PRICE POINT: 2-pack for $8.99 on Amazon BOTTOM LINE: This is one of my favorite pouches, and really stands out from the masses in it's unique ziplock-less design. And it seems to be the only one that is microwavable! Press Pouch This is a brand new company jumping in on the reusable food pouch band wagon. I love their tagline: Prep it, Fill it, Press it! PROS: This one also features a see-through front, which I love. It's a very simple and sleek design - I wouldn't be embarrassed to use it myself! haha!! Great for traveling because it packs really flat! BPA/PVC/Phthalate Free. Freezer/Dishwasher Safe. Cap is a common size and thus interchangeable with many other pouches, including disposable ones. CONS: I love the color, but some moms are picky about "boyish" colors for their girls. I'm sure they'll come out with more color options down the road. Not microwavable. Cap is not attached so could be easily lost, and while being the minimum size required by industry standards to be considered "chokeproof", you still never know! PRICE POINT: 3-pk for $14.99 BOTTOM LINE: A great option if you want a pouch with a zipper and a window. Squooshi First of all, I love this name. Between the name and all the adorable designs they offer, Squooshi really takes the cake in the category of cuteness!! They offer 2 sizes (4.5oz and 2.5oz) and also other accessories such as a 17oz Filling Station (which I haven't tried but looks awesome!!), silicon soft tops by ChooMee, dissolvable contents and date labels, and replacement caps. PROS: 2 sizes, and very cute designs such as monkey, lion, panda, walrus, penguin. Great accessories to make your pouch making and using much easier. Freezer & Dishwasher safe. BPA Free, Phthalate Free, PVC Free, Lead Free. Great for traveling because it packs really flat! Cap is a common size and thus interchangeable with many other pouches, including disposable ones. CONS: Not microwavable. Not recommended for liquids. Cap is not attached so could be easily lost, and while being the minimum size required by industry standards to be considered "chokeproof", you still never know PRICE POINT: 4-pack for $19.99 on Amazon BOTTOM LINE: If you're looking for a great pouch with tons of designs, sizes, and accessories - bingo - we have a winner! Yummi Yummi's pouch places the spout on the side, which was quite different from others I've seen. Not better or worse, just different. PROS: This was the only one we've tried that had a "fill to" line, which on a ziplock pouch is really really helpful! If you fill them too much, they just spill over and make a huge mess (and waste) when you seal them up. So the "fill to" line is great!! It's also 6oz, which is the biggest I've seen. Freezer and dishwasher friendly. BPA & Phthalate free. Great for traveling because it packs really flat! CONS: Unfortunately the ziplock on this one detached after our 3rd use - I dunno if we had bad luck getting a faulty one, but it was very disappointing to see it break so quickly. The cap could be a choking hazard or lost easily. PRICE POINT: 4-pack for $11.99 on Amazon BOTTOM LINE: Great for a novice thanks to its "fill-to" line, or if you're looking for a bigger pouch. REUSABLE FOOD POUCHES: TIPS & TRICKS
Having used these pouches for a couple of months now, I've surmased a couple of tips and tricks I'd like to share CLEANING: Clean pouches with a soft bottle scrubber (you have no hope of getting your hand in there with a regular sponge!!). Also, if I can't clean it right away, I rinse it out and fill it with warm water til I can get around to it. DRYING: The ziplock pouches can be touch to dry as they tend to flatten out and not let any air in. I try to stand them upright with something that'll keep them open, such as a spatula or even their own caps. I also received a tip that you can place a paper towel in them to help with drying. WARNINGS: If your little one isn't ready, or is feeling naughty, these things can get really mess really quickly! For a baby not quite ready to suck on it, you can squirt contents directly into a spoon. This will save the need for a bowl. If they're ready to suck, and will let you, you might consider holding it for your little one until they're ready to do so themselves without squeezing it all out all over themselves. Also, BIG warning, though most of the removable caps are big enough to be considered "chokeproof" by industry standards, but you should still never leave a child to play with it unattended, and never give it to a child under 3. On the other hand, most of the different pouches' caps are the same size and interchangeable, meaning if you lose one, you can most likely replace it with a cap you get from a disposable pouch. Easy peasy! OTHER USES: Yummi has a great list of other uses for food pouches. Check it out here! I especially love ideas for bubbles and wet wipes! Found a reusable food pouch you love (or hate), or a fun use for them? Share below!! *Disclaimer: Although I did receive these products free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do these product reviews. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased. Feeding my almost 11 month old is a challenge, to say the least. We introduced "solids" at around 6.5 months and he did well with me spoon feeding him for several months. But as he's gotten older, he's getting more independent and this becomes apparent at meal time as well! He fights the spoon unless I keep giving him exciting things to play with to distract him. When I give him real food to pick up and eat with his hands, it just ends up on the floor, which is fine, but we do need some to get in his mouth!! One thing I've found that's been working have been those food pouches, but unfortunately the pre-packaged ones are super expensive. So, I've found a great solution!! BooginHead Squeez'Ems are reusable food pouches that you fill yourself! You can fill them with your homemade or store bought baby food, yogurt, oatmeal, whatever! If your little one can manage without making a mess, just hand the pouch over and watch the food get sucked down the hatchet in record time. If they're not yet capable, you can hold the pouch for them, or you can squeeze into a spoon. These are awesome for mealtime while you're out and about because they eliminate the need for bowls and spoons and for the most part napkins! Here's my little guy demo-ing the Squeez'Ems: BooginHead Squeez'Ems are BPA, PVC & Phthalate free, come in one piece to eliminate lost parts, are freezer, microwave and top rack dishwasher safe, and perfect for lunch boxes and travel! The top part is rather large and super easy to fill. After you're done, rinse it out and hand wash it or throw it in the dishwasher and you're ready to fill again! What are you waiting for? Get a 2 pack here today! :) **Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
In case you're new here, here's a recap of my baby's sleeping history: I read "Babywise" at 7 weeks and my little guy quickly took to the eat-play-sleep schedule. By 2 months he was a great napper and slept through the night 6+ hours, by 3 months 9-11 hours straight. I put him down awake, he sucked his thumb and went to sleep quietly. At 5 months all went to hell in a hand basket due to any combo of the following: 1) He cut his bottom teeth and promptly stopped sucking his thumb 2) We had a 1 week vacation to my parent's house 3) He developed object permanence 4) We stopped using his swaddle/sleep sack Around 7 months my sister convinced me to do "Cry It Out" and we gave it a half arsed attempt but had 2 things in our way: 1) It was summer and we don't have AC, so he got way too hot while crying. 2) He gnawed at the crib when we left him in there crying (evidence below) So, I got crib rail covers and waited for the summer heat to fade away. I found the Sleep Sense Program by Dana Obleman (more on that in another post) and decided to give it a go during my husband's next business trip (I don't want Kenzo's crying throughout the night to keep my hubby up, awwwww am I the best wife or what?? ha! Seriously though, he's such a wimp, always pulling baby into bed with us at the first sign of a whimper). In the meantime we've been co-sleeping for the past few months and he's been waking up about every 1-3 hours and cries until he gets a boobie. I whip it out and we both pass out within a couple of minutes. It's really not that bad, but it's not good (what would happen after I wean him??) and his napping has been getting worse and worse as well. We both need to get better sleep! Tonight the sleep training finally commenced! Here's a video selfie just after I put Kenzo down in his crib. Whooooo that sucked... The crying lasted 45 minutes, which funnily enough is the exact time Dana reported as the average time of first night crying on the hundreds of cases she's worked on as a baby sleep consultant. She gives the option of staying in the room with the little one throughout, or just going in to check on him and reassure him. I opted for the second method. I went in at 3 minutes, at 5 minutes, and then 10 minutes a few times. Then I felt like my going in was just working him up even more. So after the 30 minute mark I stopped going in and by the 45 minute mark he was silent. I waited a few minutes then went in to make sure he was ok and in a comfortable position. This is what I found and I almost burst out laughing!!! He was out, kind of in a twilight sleep, and kept sitting up and falling forward over and over again. Really sad actually, but hilarious at the same time. Luckily he didn't wake up when I laid him down. I'm really not looking forward to him waking up in the middle of the night... I have a feeling it's going to be rough!! I blame myself - just giving him the boob to make him go back to sleep has just made him wake up more frequently and become so dependent on me. This might be a tough habit to break! Preemptive strike against possible criticism: Sleep training with or without CIO, no sleep training, breast vs. bottle, SAHM vs working mom, whatever... #ISUPPORTYOU and hope you will support me too. We're all doing the best we can and doing what we feel is right for our families. I would love if you comment with your personal experience, advice, tips, etc. But there is no need for judgement or criticism.
Kenzo is nearly 10 months old now, I know right, time friggin' flies!! But that is beside the point. He's still exclusively breastfeeding, and eating 3 "meals" a day. Meals is in quotes because they consist of about 2 ounces of pureed fruit, veggies, and meat (we only started meat last week!). He's happy with this, as am I. Who needs all the choking hazards of real food what with it's chunks and chewiness. No thanks! But... I know he is growing up and needs to develop proper eating habits and abilities, or that's what I hear anyway. When we are out and about with our baby friends, they're all snacking away on their Cheerios and Puffs, so I figured it was about time Kenzo had a go. Here he is examining the goods: I had to make sure these things are water soluble as they claim to be and so I popped one in my mouth. If did dissolve, not super fast but fast enough to satisfy my choking anxiety. So I popped a puff up on his high chair tray for him, expecting him to pop that thing into his mouth with super speed. Much to my surprise, this is what happened: Apparently, he needed some help figuring out what to do with that jumping puff. Mom to the rescue, well, more like MOM FAIL FAIL FAIL!!!! Poor guy!!!! So, yeah, I'm a bit traumatized. I know gagging is a natural reflex to protect babies and of course they'll gag on solids the first (many??) times they try them. But still, it was scary!! He is still not drinking from a sippy cup so it's not like I can be like "Oh here drink this it'll help you get it down". So if he's really choking, my only defense is flipping him upside down and whacking him on the back. A few of my mommy friends have dealt with choking babies recently and that is some scary sh!t man. EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeek. I think Kenzo will be on purees until college...
A few months ago I went to the launch party for the new infant spoon, Spuni. Kenzo didn't cooperate at the event, so I was really disappointed that we didn't get to give the cool new baby spoon a whirl. But... look at what we just got!!! You can see the shape and design of Spuni is unlike any other baby spoon out there. The idea is that with the tulip shape, baby can't push food to the back of the spoon, resulting in a cleaner and easier feeding. The shape is also supposed to promote the instinctual latch and suck. It's free of BPA, BPS, Phthalates, PVC and is dishwasher safe. I should also add it's super light and quite comfy to hold! He didn't suck the spoon or treat it any differently from his regular baby spoons, but perhaps that is because he's been using them for 3 months now and has gotten the hang of them. The tulip shape was interesting though and did lead to a cleaner collection of the food from the spoon. His top lip kinda went over and up to the peak and then scooped everything into his mouth! Sure we still had some food around his mouth and side of the spoon, but that's probably more my fault what with trying to feed him with my left hand and take photos with my right! haha! After I put the camera down we got into the swing of it!
So, do I recommend Spuni? For sure! It's cute, it's comfy (for feeder's hand and baby's mouth), it's unique and innovative, and it does a good job! Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased. I don't make my baby food (except for breast milk!). I tried once, avocado, and Kenzo gagged and spat it out and that was that. Back to the store bought baby food. But have you read the ingredients in the big brands we've grown up hearing about? Gerber, for example, even the "organic" ones, have TONS of ingredients that have no place being in there. Not cool. Thankfully there are a handful of brands out there that keep it real and make me feel a little less guilty (or not guilty at all!!) about feeding them to my baby. One of those such awesome brands is Happy Family. Launched in 2006 by Shazi (yay!! another momtrepreneur!!), Happy Family has grown quickly in popularity and the number of products, now offering pouches of baby food (from simple first foods to combos to homestyle and hearty meals), baby cereals (some with pre- and probiotics), Greek yogurt, and various snacks such as puffs and rice cakes. Here are some of the goodies I picked up for my lil' guy: It was our first experience with a pouch. I love the idea for on-the-go eating. I'm not ready to just give the pouch to my little guy cuz I know he'll just squeeze it all over himself, but it'll be a great option as he gets older. What I did instead was squeeze the food directly into the spoon, saving me having to wash a bowl later - hoorah! Full disclosure, Kenzo has yet to turn away any food he's given, so I wasn't surprised that he slurped this stuff down like a champ. But I gave it a try myself and yummy, I'd eat it! ^_^ Happy baby, happy mommy... Happy Family!
You can pick up Happy Family products at most grocery stores or Diapers.com or wherever! OR you can win a $25 prize pack of their goodies along with 10 other awesome baby products ($250 value) in my Baby Bonanza Giveaway - enter here! Disclaimer: Although I did receive these products free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased. I waited til my lil' guy was 6 months to introduce solids. We went straight to pureed veggies on the tip of a regular baby spoon and had no issues. No tongue push, no refusal to eat, no mess! But from what I've heard, this isn't usually the case. Many moms start solids way earlier, sometimes even in the first couple of months via a bit of rice cereal in the bottle to try and get baby to sleep through the night. Others start spoon feeding around 4 or 5 months with very thin rice cereal. I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to spoon feed that to an itty bitty baby who only has the instinct to suck. I guess I'm not the only one who saw a problem with that. Flowspoon was developed to help introduce semi-solids to babies age 4-7 months and help them transition from bottle or breast to spoon with less mess and less air (i.e. less reflux). The design is really unique and makes you go "Why didn't someone think of this sooner??" *Face Palm* It's literally a nipple-spoon hybrid, though it's hard plastic rather than a soft nipple, and it's BPA/Phthalate free. Even the handle is creative with it's twist that makes holding and using it super comfortable. Unfortunately at 8 months and already used to spoon feeding, my little man didn't qualify as a tester for Flowspoon, so I recruited a mommy friend of mine who was just introducing her 5 monther to rice cereal. She'd had just 4 feedings prior which were all extremely messy and not incredibly productive - she only got a couple of mini-spoonfuls in before being refused further entrance. So we were both really anxious and curious to see how Flowspoon would measure up! This precious little munchkin took to it right away. It was pretty incredible to watch her suck away skillfully from the spoon! I'm not gonna lie, there was still a bit of a mess - she would leak a bit of rice back out when mommy went for refills! But her mom was amazed by how much more she was eating than with a regular baby spoon. She thought maybe it was just coincidence, and that she was just getting the hang of solids in general, so she went back to a regular spoon for the next feeding and wouldn't you know, it was back to the teeny tiny messy slurps and then done. Switched back to the Flowspoon and success - tons of rice down the hatchet!! See for yourself: You can order a Flowspoon today for $7.95 or you can win one along with 10 other awesome baby products in my Baby Bonanza Giveaway - enter here!
Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased. All you hear these days are the dangers of BPA and phthalates and all that jazz, so I do the best I can when picking out toys and gear for my little one. If you've been following my blog, you'll know my little guy has only had 2 bottles in his whole 8 months so far. I introduced the sippy cup to him about a month ago and he's JUST now started to figure how to get water out of it! But it's plastic, and I'm not all that comfortable with plastic so I was on the lookout for a non-leaching stainless steel sippy. That's when I came across the Safe Sippy2 by Kid Basix! Beyond it being non-leaching stainless steel and BPA/phthalate free, it's convertible - no need to buy a different water bottle once your baby becomes a big kid! There are different valves that let you use it as a sippy cup or as a straw cup. All the parts can be a wee bit intimidating (and washing them is super fun, though technically everything is dishwasher safe), but it's not so tough to figure out (with a brief glance at the diagram on the instructions!). So, I washed and assembled the cup with the sippy valve adapter, filled it up with water from the Brita, and tested it myself. Tipped it over, shook it around - not a drip leaked out - Check! Then I took a swig - only slight suction required - easy to drink - Check! Next, I handed it over to the baby for the real test. Easy for itty bitty baby hands to hold and maneuver - Check! Unfortunately, Kenzo has only used one sippy cup before, which had a soft sippy nub. It took him a month, but he finally learned that he just had to bite it a little to get the water to come out - no sucking required. So that's probably what he was attempting to do with the Safe Sippy2, only this one has a hard sippy nub and he just couldn't figure out how to drink from it! Look at him examining this thing, "Man! What is the deal here? Where's my milk? Or Water? Something!!? ANYTHING!?!?!" He finally gave up on sustenance and decided to use it as a teether instead. "Yep, that'll do!" :) It took Kenzo a good month of just playing around with his other sippy cup before he figured out how to get anything from it, and I figure it'll be the same with this one! So I'll give it to him at meal times and he'll get it eventually! But no rush, because this cup will be grow with him through the years! Once he's done with the no-drip sippy part, I'll switch the adapter to the straw part! If you're using a plastic sippy, you might not like that you can't easily see how much liquid is left inside. With stainless steel there is no way around this, but it's a small price to pay for being way healthier. With experience, you'll be able to gauge how much is in there simply by picking it up and giving it a little shake. Until then, you can quickly unscrew the top, peek inside, and screw it back on. Takes all of 3 seconds. I have to add that I love the statement on the box warning that giving drinks other than water at non-mealtimes and in bed can lead to childhood tooth decay. Go Kid Basix! If you can't wait to get your hands on this cup, you can order one on Diapers.com for $15.99 - there are several fun colors to choose from! If it's your first order, get 20% off with discount code "MINYMOE" :) You can check out the other Kid Basix products, including the Safe Starter (for babies - with a proper baby bottle nipple), Safe Sippy (like the Safe Sippy2 but doesn't convert), and Safe Sporter! Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product free of charge, I was not compensated in any other way to do this product review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
Kenzo is 7.5 months and has 4 teeth already. Early? Perhaps. Cute? Definitely! But teeth are not as simple as they sound. With teeth come trouble...
1) Teething For Kenzo it hasn't been so bad, thank goodness. He's never been inconsolable or needed Tylenol. He just gets has a few days and nights where he is extra needy, wakes up throughout the night in search of comfort (i.e. boobs!), and is cranky throughout the day - meaning he needs constant distraction and stimulation. If you let him ponder on what's going on in his mouth for more than a few seconds he'll start to fuss and then wail. 2) Biting Babies get used to breastfeeding and are quite comfortable in using their mouths and tongue to get milk. But then all of a sudden there are teeth getting in the way! The bottom teeth must be scraping the underside of his tongue when feeding, and I've felt those teeth, they are like serrated knives!! And now the top teeth... there is nothing coming between those and my nipple. We had our first "CHOMP" situation today and WOWZA!! I screamed, he screamed, we all screamed for (not ice cream). He cried so hard, poor guy! He still can't produce tears, but he did manage to squeeze one out! It's not just the nipples that have to worry about being bitten though. Anything he can get his little mouth on - your shoulder, your finger, the table... I'm looking into getting a teething guard for the crib soon. Not that it was ever safe for him to gnaw on electrical cords, but now it's even more of a hazard so I can't even let him approach them. 3) Grinding This is something I had no idea would happen. He is grinding his teeth!!! He makes a funny little Popeye face which is hilarious, sorry I haven't been able to catch it on camera yet! But the sound.... ohhhhhhhhhh the sound! Like nails on a chalk board!! On the bright side, maybe he's making those razor blade teeth a little smoother? 4) Brushing Did you know you have to start brushing your baby's teeth? I sure didn't. Not sure when I thought that was supposed to start, maybe around 2 years old? Anyway, I'm not using a tooth brush but just a washcloth after he eats solid food. I just kinda rub it around for a few seconds on the top and bottom. He was fine with this at first but now he tries to escape my efforts. Ah, what fun. 5) Worries Of course worries. What part of parenting comes without worries? For me, I worry about the spacing of his top teeth - aren't they like REALLY FAR APART??? Like, you could fit 2 more teeth between them!! I know baby teeth are supposed to be spread out, but come on, is this normal: |
About ME:I'm a NYC metro area mom blogger living in NJ with my Japanese husband & our 3 kids (twins plus 1), focusing on fun and honest product and travel reviews, helping busy parents find the best for their families! Find what you need in the menu bar or search section above! Categories
February 2025