Diapers leaking, diaper blowout, diaper rash... we've all been there! It's frustrating, it's expensive, and it's downright disgusting!! What to do?? You ask your friends, your family, and of course Google! What answers have I found? Let's see: Diapers are leaking? 1st of all, make sure you pull those damn ruffles out around the legs. I found this out the hard way after a few days home with my newborn baby! Still leaking? Well, maybe they're too small - go up a size!! Or maybe they're too big, go down a size! OMG seriously?? You know what I found? Sometimes it's not the size but the actual cut. Huggies, for example, did not fit my newborn son at all! The legs were gaping on him, so of course he leaked poo out like there was no tomorrow. But I had friends who found Huggies worked great, and it was Pampers that leaked terribly. If only there were one perfect fit diaper for all babies, but of course that would be too easy. Definitely worth checking out Miny Moe diaper samplers - each sample pack includes 6 brands (Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, Earth's Best, Walmart Parent's Choice, Target Up & Up) so you can try them all - bish bash bosh!! Diaper blowout, now there is a fun one. Make sure those diapers are on snug, I mean SUPER snug, like cinched in at the waist to the point of looking uncomfortable (but make sure it's not actually uncomfortable - hmmm that should be easy right?). The first few months, especially in exclusively breast fed babies, those poos are completely liquid and ridiculously explosive. Even the best of diapers will be bested once or twice. I found that my little one blew out in certain positions more than others. Most often it was when he was sitting on my lap, perhaps the pressure of my knee of whatever it was when the poo shot out forced it all to go straight up the back, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up the back, like up to his neck! Yikes. You can always give the Blowout Blocker a try. If nothing else, it's a freaking awesome name for a product!! I would have tried it but didn't discover it until my little one's blowouts seemed to have subsided. Diaper Rash? It could be the diaper itself causing this - either the make up of the diaper or it's not absorbing and whisking away moistness as well as it should, in which case you should switch to another brand (try Miny Moe's diaper sampler!). Some people swear by smearing on Desitin after every diaper change, but I'm wary of the chemicals in there. I make sure to change my little one's diaper as soon as I notice he's gone poo, though I have to give him a few minutes or else I'm likely to get a little surprise of more poo in the middle of changing him. Every once in a while he'll get a little bit pink down there, and then I let it air dry a few minutes after each change and then smear on a bit of Burt's Bees Diaper Ointment or Pure Hazelwood Zinc Ointment. The pinkness is usually gone the next day. So mamas and papas out there in the Internets... what diaper dramas and solutions have you come across!! Please share your wisdom, and your hilarious stories!! ^_^ Like my blog? Vote for me by clicking these (you can vote every 24 hours!):
6/14/2013 06:46:31 am
Thanks so much for the Blowout Blocker mention! We love saving mommies from the disastrous blowout mess!
No problem Melanie! As I mentioned, I have no experience with blowout blocker but it sounds like a great product! My friend's baby is a side sleeper and always leaking at night, so I recommended your Soaker Stopper, which she bought. Have yet to hear her review, hope it's working!! ^_^
1/19/2018 04:13:47 pm
Having a baby is a lot of work and you really have to prepare yourself. If you really want a baby, you have to make sure that you are financially stable. It will cost a lot to have a complete collection of all the things the baby will need. Make sure that you are also emotionally ready because you cannot just give up your baby for adoption if you suddenly changed your mind. You have to be very sure that you are finally ready to be a parent. Leave a Reply. |
About ME:I'm a NYC metro area mom blogger living in NJ with my Japanese husband & our 3 kids (twins plus 1), focusing on fun and honest product and travel reviews, helping busy parents find the best for their families! Find what you need in the menu bar or search section above! Categories
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