How will vibrant hair dyes show up on virgin brown hair? Read on & watch my videos below to see how different brands and colors have worked on me before you try on your own hair!!
**updated 1/23/2024** as the years went along I did eventually play around with bleach, so you'll see some videos how to bleach brown hair, and how later colors look on both bleached and unbleached hair!! YOLO - It's just hair, lets have some fun!!! Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I receive commission from qualified purchases after clicking the affiliate links below. In high school I went through some crazy hair phases - from platinum blonde to dark red, you name it! I spent much of my 20's with long blonde highlighted hair, spending tons of money at salons in Tokyo and NYC. After meeting my now husband, I settled into my "mousy light brown" hair and have not changed it color-wise for over a decade! But... I got bored. So, I recently started my adventure with vibrant semi-permanent hair dyes, ones that wash out in 4-15 washes and don't have bleach, ammonia, or any really damaging chemicals. They're cheap, they're fun, but do they work?? In a nutshell, you can't expect to look like Mal from Descendants without bleaching your hair first, but you can still have fun without lightening it. I'll add my youtube videos below as I try new colors - comment below with what you think, what colors you've played around with, etc!! Check this out if you're looking for tips on dying or straightening your hair for the first time, and keep reading / watching for my experiences with many different hair colors and brands!
L'Oreal Colorista (Burgundy)
This was my first delve into the vibrant semi-permanent hair dyes (in January 2018). I bought 2 boxes at Rite Aid for about $20, and spent about $50 at the salon having them apply it because I was too scared to try it and ruin my hair and bathroom haha!! It was beautiful, purplish reddish dark brown, but it did wash out very quickly, about 50% the first wash and by 5 washes was pretty much gone. I did shampoo with warm/hot water and regular shampoo with sulfate, so I'm not sure how much this had to do with the quick fade out. It was fun and I liked it, but with the salon expense, totally not worth it.
Clairol Color Crave (Orchid)
This was my 2nd "crazy" color, and my first ever time dyeing my own hair (or anyone's, for that matter). Watch the video, it's helpful but mostly funny - I take you through my paranoid prep of my head (Burt's Bees ointment all over my hairline, ears, and neck) and bathroom (garbage bags all over), dyeing my hair, washing it out, and how it looks dyed. It was very dark, blueish purple in sunlight, almost black in regular indoor lighting. There was ZERO SMELL from the dye itself or on my head afterward, which was awesome, but makes sense since there aren't really any harsh chemicals in there. The vaseline worked well at protecting my skin, and I ended up getting some dye on my hands and arms when I forgot gloves washing it off, but it came off with a quick rub with hand sanitizer! I'll update this page when I find out how quickly it fades, I'm a bit nervous it'll go grey during the fadeout, since it is quite a blueish hue of purple. It's supposed to last 15 washes and this time I'll be trying to use colder water and special sulfate-free color safe shampoo and conditioner (Redken Color Extend Magnetics Sulfate-Free Shampoo & L'Oréal Paris EverPure Sulfate Free Moisture Conditioner - affiliate links).
L'Oreal Colorista Teal
My 3rd "crazy" color, I let my YouTuber fans vote and pick this one out actually!! Unfortunately, it came out a bit more green than blue and I'm not really loving it. And it really lingered, more than 6 months later and the green hue was still there, and highlights made it reappear! But it covered up easily with the next colors.
Manic Panic Amplified Hot Hot Pink
My 4th color job, and my favorite results so far!!! LOVE THIS STUFF!! But... it washed out VERY quickly, quicker than the others.
New Cut & Half Head Highlights (12/2/2019):
oVertone Coloring Conditioner Rose Gold for Brown Hair (dyed 12/4/2019)
The in shower conditioner kept it from fading like 90%, so amazing!! I used it in almost every shower - I'd towel dry, apply in shower, comb through, let sit 5 minutes, then rinse out and shower off, no gloves needed (it tinted my palms a wee bit pink each time but it came off quickly and wasn't obvious at all). As soon as I finished the bottle (took about 2 months, i wash my hair just 1-2x a week) and started taking hot showers without it, it faded very quickly, almost gone in about 5 washes!
oVertone Coloring Conditioner - Purple for Brown Hair
(dyed 3/15/2020) This purple guys, it is STRONG STUFF!! I recommend wearing gloves in the shower when using the in-shower conditioner because it tinted my hands and nails pretty significantly each time. I did this color during COVID lockdown so didn't really care all that much that my palms/nails got tinted, and my kids got a kick out of it LOL! But, just a heads up!! The purple lasted the same as the last overtone color I did - in shower conditioner kept the color pretty good and it faded very quickly when I stopped.
oVertone Coloring Conditioner - Extreme Pink
(dyed 8/20/2020) Great color!! Came out pretty much same color as Manic Panic Hot Hot Pink (see above). To save money you could do the Manic Panic for initial color and keep it going with the oVertone in shower extreme pink conditioner... After I stopped using the in shower conditioner, it didn't want to fade all the way out. But I moved on to my next color (below) and it covered the remaining rose gold hues no problem!
Manic Panic Shocking Blue over Rose Gold Hair
(dyed 11/4/2020) Beware, this blue man, it gets everywhere!!! Until my first shampoo, it bled like CRAZY!!! My fingers got stained anytime I touched my hair, and blue was all over my computer keyboard, shirts, etc. Yikes!! After the first wash it was fine, but it faded SUPER quick and after it was all gone, the pink from my previous color remained under it! Kinda weird but I loved the pink so it's all good.
Purple & Pink Ombre with oVertone
(dyed 1/14/2021) I decided to try using 2 colors for the first time, and didn't have the skill or patience to go strand by strand as the professionals did. So I went with my typical "massage in by hand like shampoo" method and it actually came out great!! I used Purple for Brown Hair on top half and Extreme Pink on bottom half.
Manic Panic Vampire Red
(dyed 5/17/2021) I wanted to try a new color and was on the fence between Crazy Color Fire and Manic Panic Vampire red, in the end went with the latter since I've had good luck with Manic Panic on my unbleached brown hair in the past. This one seemed thinner than I'm used to and I made a bit of a mess but it came out FABULOUS!!!! Loving it!
oVertone Extreme Green
July 20, 2021 - used oVertone extreme green over my (still tinted red from manic panic vampire red) brown hair. didn't love it, i think the red canceled out the green mostly? it washed out SUPER quickly, maybe 3 shampoos. tops.
oVertone Rich Black
September 8, 2021 - Dyed my hair black with oVertone Rich Black coloring conditioner! Very thick and easy to use it seems to have a bit of a purple hint. Very dark but not black black on my brown hair. Still a fun color, I really love it!
November 22, 2022 - Bleaching my virgin brown (shaved) head with Manic Panic Blue Lighting bleach kit (Amazon affiliate link)
May 6, 2022 - Dying bleached blond and virgin brown hair teal with oVertone (Amazon Affiliate link).
June 2, 2022 - Dying bleached blond and virgin brown hair pastel blue with oVertone (Amazon Affiliate link).
June 27, 2022 - Bleaching virgin brown hair and double bleaching blonde hair with Loreal Feria Hyper Platinum (Amazon affiliate link)
October 19, 2022 - Dying hair copper with Clairol Color Gloss Up Terra Copper (Amazon affiliate link)
December 8, 2022 - Dying my brown hair with Manic Panic Ultra Violet (Amazon Affiliate link)
January 23, 2023 - Dying hair burgandy with Arctic Fox Ritual (Amazon affiliate link)
Feb 19, 2023 - Dying brown hair with Crazy Color Bordeaux (Amazon affiliate link)
April 28, 2023 - Dying my brown hair with Lime Crime Unicorn Hair Bubblegum Rose (Amazon affiliate link)
July 2, 2023 - dying brown hair with Hair Dope Hair Juice Fuchsia (Amazon affiliate link)
August 5, 2023 - Dying brown hair with Lunar Tides Plum Purple (Amazon affiliate link)
Nov 21, 2023 - Dying brown and bleached hair with oVertone pastel pink, pastel blue, and purple for brown hair!! Buy oVertone here (Amazon affiliate link
Not hair dye related, but here are my fun DIY haircut videos!!
8/3/2018 10:57:49 am
I'm mostly afraid to color my hair at home. But I appreciate your playfulness with it and showing how easy it really is.
8/3/2018 12:15:39 pm
If I had hair this would be up my alley but I like your energy!
Tia McKinzie
8/3/2018 06:48:36 pm
I will certainly have to give the clairol a spin. I really do miss having my hair those kinds of colors, except i bleach mine first. so those would a be a different thing for me. rubbing alcohol removed the dye very well from your skin.
I feel like I might eventually go down the bleaching path, I guess as long as you don't go all the way to the roots, like ombre type thing, then it wouldn't be so bad with upkeep - it'd just fade out back to blond? I just don't want to deal with terrible roots, or damaged hair...
8/4/2018 02:25:01 am
thank you so much for this review! It looks great with your skin colour! Did it leave your hair nice and smooth?
You should give it a go, it's cheap and pretty easy, and fun haha! Clairol is a big brand, I would bet it's available there as well? There are lots of "semi-permament" brands that wouldn't be a big committment and wouldn't be damaging. Ones I plan to try next include Manic Panic and Splat. Take a look around your local beauty supply store or even drug store!
8/4/2018 10:51:23 am
I have never dyed my hair because my hair are pure black naturally. I'll try these when my hair turns to change color😁😁😁 Nice article. Thanks for sharing.
8/4/2018 04:23:15 pm
What a wonderful post! I never dyed my hair, partly because I was too scared to make a final choice on which color. I did not know you could dye your hair without bleach. Thanks for sharing!
8/4/2018 05:18:06 pm
I havent tried coloring my hair on my own. It must be an exciting experience. I don't know if I will have the courage to do it.
8/5/2018 12:20:07 am
The color looks natural. That was a clean work for a first timer.
8/5/2018 02:17:03 am
Fun videos to watch and gave me confidence to do some dye work at home! Thanks for sharing your experience.
8/5/2018 09:36:44 pm
It looks great! I wish that I could dye my own hair still, but unfortunately, I have a very severe allergy to PPD. My Mom has been looking for a new dye and this colour would look great on her though!
8/6/2018 03:17:36 am
It's crucial to dye hair to cover up our grey hair... nice can dye vibrant colour without bleach..
8/6/2018 08:10:01 am
Its cool to switch up your hair from time to time. I think definitely when the seasons change that is a good time to experiment with colors.
8/6/2018 09:57:01 am
I am really kind of impressed after the first video that you would be ok to try the dye job at home. And then ok to do it while your house was going on the market. Very brave!
Alicia Hewitt
9/5/2018 11:10:41 pm
I loved your review!! I've always wanted to due my hair a purple hue, but am so scared of how it will turn out. You're very brave!
4/24/2019 09:58:01 am
This is so fun! I love trying new hair colors, though I have never ventured into the bold like purple, blue, pink, etc. I think it looks great on those who can pull it off though!
4/24/2019 10:03:07 am
I love dying my hair. I really only use one brand that is free of a lot of the harsh chemicals and alcohols. I've used their aqua, blue, purple, red, and their other red hahaha
4/24/2019 06:25:52 pm
I am so jealous! I've been wanting to dye my hair vibrant colors too but I never seem to get around to it.
4/29/2019 01:54:56 pm
I wanted to get red streaks in my hair, and I paid quite a bomb but the color didn't come out well. The salon lady told me that I need to bleach my hair first then Color red so that it will pop out as my hair is too black. Do you think without bleach also red can be visible on black hair?
Laurie Nykaza
11/5/2019 08:14:41 pm
Great information about bringing some color to your hair. My daughter always wants to do this and the old problem was your hair would get damaged. I love the price as well salons charge so much to have it done.
11/1/2020 10:02:58 am
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11/22/2020 12:48:07 pm
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11/22/2020 01:31:05 pm
2/22/2021 06:37:17 am
2/27/2021 12:43:31 am
I did not pursue it because I lack of interest, I wanted to have a title as a designer, but it is so hard to finish a piece. You have to dedicate an effort in time in making one. I hope that I can have the talent as same as yours. Keep it up!
3/20/2021 07:12:53 am
3/20/2021 07:58:26 am
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4/8/2021 09:05:25 am
Valuable information and excellent design you got here! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you post!! Thumbs up
4/28/2021 11:37:45 am
It’s interesting that you don’t believe in having multiple account names as well. I’ve sort of put it off, but mainly because I procrastinate with these things. We do have our emergency account and checking account, but thought about create sub accounts too for long term savings. I’ve read some people have accounts for children like braces, school supplies, and braces. For now we’ll just stick with savings.
4/28/2021 01:49:22 pm
Very sensitive post shilpa …. clothing has nothing to do with rape, it is said that in one of the study done in our country, it was found that most women raped were found in salwar kameez and saree… instead of blaming women for their clothes, it is better to teach boys/men to respect women, which must begin from family
5/14/2021 03:15:41 am
I would say that my hat is my favorite thing to wear. I mean, I cannot really go anywhere without them. The cap that I wear is the one that my father gave me. Well, he passed away when I was still a kid, so I keep it as a memento from his. It sounds really cheesy and all, but it is important to me. I will never go outside without it on my head.
5/14/2021 05:17:53 am
8/18/2021 01:54:44 am
9/23/2021 08:34:54 am
I did not pursue it because I lack of interest, I wanted to have a title as a designer, but it is so hard to finish a piece. You have to dedicate an effort in time in making one. I hope that I can have the talent as same as yours. Keep it up!
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4/10/2023 08:03:15 pm
Wow, your post on dyeing virgin brown hair vibrant colors without bleach is truly inspiring! As someone who has always been hesitant to bleach my hair, your tips and techniques are a game changer. Your results are stunning, and it's amazing to see that it's possible to achieve vibrant colors on virgin brown hair without damaging bleach. Your post is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone looking to experiment with bold hair colors, and I'm excited to give it a try. Keep sharing your expertise and creativity.
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11/29/2023 12:18:16 am
Brown hair can be a fantastic canvas for vibrant colors. The natural depth and warmth of brown hair provide a rich base for various vibrant hues to stand out. When experimenting with vibrant colors on brown hair, it's essential to consider factors such as your skin tone, the undertones in your hair, and the color intensity you desire.
11/30/2023 07:59:45 am
Infusing vibrant colors into brown hair doesn't necessarily mean committing to a full head of bold hues. Playful peek-a-boo highlights strategically placed within the brown strands can add an element of surprise and excitement. Whether it's electric blues, fiery reds, or playful pinks, these hidden gems create a dynamic and eye-catching effect.
7/11/2024 01:12:22 am
Experience the sophistication of 2.Oh! Light Brown Hair Color, meticulously crafted in Italy for Indian consumers. With top-quality ingredients and stringent quality controls, it is crafted using state-of-the-art technology and minimal human handling. <a href=""> Checkout Light Brown Hair Color </a> Thank you
Absolutely fantastic article! The insights are not only spot on but also incredibly enlightening. Your expertise shines through and makes a real impact. I can't wait to see more of your outstanding content!
7/24/2024 12:50:51 am
Experience the perfect blend of Italian craftsmanship and Indian beauty with 2.Oh!'s Brown Hair Color, made with the finest ingredients and advanced technology. <a href=""> Checkout Brown Hair Color </a> Thank you
10/3/2024 07:03:59 am
2.Oh!’s Light Brown Hair Color – Italian Precision, Indian Perfection – Crafted with the finest ingredients and cutting-edge technology, this product is designed specifically for Indian hair with minimal handling for a flawless finish.<a href=""> Checkout Light Brown Hair Color </a> Thank you
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